Whether she made it up or actually heard those words, they were just the beginning.
There are rules and rituals, and for me always the hope of instilling in them what I have found.
Is it in saying grace before meals? The Lords prayer before bed? Church on Sunday? Or just the way we live?
Raising your children doesn’t come with a manual. Raising them to have the same faith is daunting.
How can I make sure that they develop relationship over religion and something that is lasting over disdain for rituals and Sunday routines.
Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
They are not the traditional words of the Lords prayer but I thought it would be a nice balance between the words we are used to and some that may hold more weight with our children.
So every night they say those words. Words that they can relate with and understand.
Today was already crazy, I couldn’t even begin to tell you but still I felt the need to take the time to listen.
We thanked God, they listed simple things
The sweet thoughtfulness of their list made me smile.
I challenged them to listen to see if God would say anything in response.
Anaya giggled, Jayda grinned
The response was simple and sweet
“You’re welcome. I love you. I like your room.”
Those words were everything to me and ministered to me maybe more than they did to her. She smiled. Said that it made her happy that He said those words to her.
In those words I heard. “ I hear you. I care for you. I care about you.”
I hope they are the beginning in the development of a sensitivity to His voice. For me, they meant the world.