To stay or to go
To quit or to push
To sleep or get up
There are pros and cons to doing…..or not doing. I always mull over my options, but ultimately, I’ve learned to make choices.
Not just the big choices, but the hard ones. Choices that build my character…
The decision to wash the dishes rather than leaving them for my husband to do
The decision to grind and produce quality work rather than quit
The decision to put the clothes in the laundry bag rather than on the closet floor
The decision to volunteer at a camp rather than have a vacation
Either option is what I “want”, it’s just a matter of what will make me stronger
Some are easy tasks, some are big choices, but for me they are all hard decisions.
I want to do a halfway job if I do the job at all. I want to take the easy route, the selfish route…
These decisions range in their gravity but are all the same when it comes down to their very nature, they are mine to make, and if I step outside of my temporary feelings, they will make me stronger
It seems that no matter what it is, if I sit and debate about it becomes clearer, but that doesn’t make it easier.

The very fact that it is an issue for me, lets me know (sometimes) what I should do…from there it is just a fight of my will ….
a fight of my character.
It’s the small choices that I make, the ones that seem insignificant that build character in me. They help me to know that I can do great things.
If I can die to myself today maybe one day doing those menial tasks that I hate will become easier, but maybe they wont.
Really it doesn’t matter what the outcomes are. What matters to me is that I make the hard choices because for me they are hard.
I have a husband that treats me like a queen and because of that I sometimes get lazy and forget to treat him like a king.
Doing the menial tasks helps me to not get lazy.
Making hard decisions help me to grow, to sacrifice, to love, to persevere.
For some reason this song brings the big and small decisions into perspective for me. Regardless of how I feel, regardless of the choice, keeping in mind that it’s all about Him.....
Recognizing that ALL my decisions, all my choices should reflect the one I am trying to be like and the primary aim of my life.
So, I don’t always get it right
I struggle
I cry
I am hard on myself
I succeed
I work
I make hard choices
I get stronger
Decisions that no matter how I respond they will make me stronger, but still I have to decide…