Pigeon Man
Pimp dude
Random Bystander
Accordion Guy
Delicious Adorable
Fashionista Lady
Vacationing Family
Preacher dude
And Crack heads
I could sit and watch these folks for hours. Not sure if they are doing what they are doing to be seen or if this is just the way that they live their lives, after all I could just be dread head, and they could be watching me…
I could take this thought in two directions and my mind is wondering which one…
What do they see if they are watching me? What do they think? To some this question is irrelevant but it’s always on my mind because I want to be seen like Him.
Preacher dude was one of the first people we saw. He handed us a card inviting us to a youth service
“ I don’t know if we’re your target” I said
“ Do you know God?!” was his response

For whatever reason I was on edge and turned off by his question. Turned off by the approach or by him, I don’t really know.
It sparked a conversation and feelings. A conversation that I was thankful to have because it reminded me of the process that I am going through.
My effort has been to be sensitive to the people around me. For what I do and how I approach people to be culturally relevant, taking into account who they are and “where” they come from.
As we walked and talked and encountered the different characters I was reminded of the difference that relationship makes.
The importance of being non judgmental
Of loving
Of listening
Enter crack heads

Arguing about God knows what, we had to stop and listen.
I have no idea what this lady was talking about, only that she was talking to us.
Our hearts wanted to talk to her about the Answer but we knew in her state, at this time it wouldn’t make a difference, so instead we were love…we were present.
Just listened and smiled, and in that we connected with her…
I think people can feel Gods love without the label, without the jargon. They may not be able to identify it at the time but if they really feel it through us, someday they might be able to…
And that’s my struggle, moving from the “throw the idea of Jesus is your face Christian”, to the “Be Jesus Christian”…I wanna be a character.
I want to
Act like Him
Love like Him
Be seen like Him

I love this, especially the last part, left me hanging though, wanting more. But love the "Just be Jesus Christian." Because more times than not that is how people can relate most effectively!
Ok Latoya (Latoya T.?) what do you want to hear more about?
Thanks for reading :)
Your recent pics of hanging out in the Washington Square had me itching to go there... so we went last night and hung out at the fountain, and saw our fair share of characters. When we met up, there was a gentleman that reminded Jeremiah of his clients (homeless, mentally ill) and it made me wish that I could spend all day sitting on Jer's shoulder seeing how he interacts with people like that. Gave me a little bit more appreciation for the job that he does M-F. Once we got to the park, there were elderly people, which made me wonder if this was their only excursion outside the house for the day; there was a boy playing in the fountain and trying his hardest to stop the huge flow of water shooting skyward; and then there was a guy standing in the middle of the water in his whitey-tighties, to which we wondered 'why? what was his motivation?'. I've been feeling disconnected lately and just wanted interaction with others, yet I still just sat and watched. I admire you Janille, for getting out there in the middle of it all and "[being] the change that you want to see in the world". (Gandhi) Keep it up. :)
YESSIR!!!! Love the whole post from beginning to end! Especially love the ending!
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