My first response or feeling is…I don’t know. I don’t know where I get inspiration from and how to apply it to the things that I feel uninspired by.
I guess I feel like what inspires me is silly.
I am inspired by people who are living their lives passionately. The individual who knows what they love and is in pursuit of it, gives me energy.
I am inspired by the change process. How an individual commits to change and grow as a result of it.
The mere sound of stepping inspires me. It makes me want to reach for goals that I have and get better at the craft I love.
My husband inspires me. His drive and commitment to excellence makes me want to do better. His willingness to stay up late and wake up early to be the best that he can be inspires me. His commitment to growth and change inspires me.
My girls inspire me. Their creative process as they grow pushes me to do better so I can be the best example for them.
As I have been dealing with my students and trying to think about how to work with them more effectively, I have been inspired. Inspired to make sure I am a quality dance teacher and that I am focused and energized when I interact with them. Watching my students go through the normal process of learning a step and working hard to understand and master the hard parts has inspired me.
There is a beauty in the process….it’s funny because that is what I feel like God has been saying to me. I don’t always appreciate where I am. I think more about where I want to be, but there is such a beauty in the process, I am trying to take the time to appreciate and be inspired by it.

Yes Janille. This is exactly how I've been feeling. Straight hating the process and feeling like what am I really doing. Why is everything so draining in Life. I feel like I am not where I want to be. However, I feel I am where God wants me to be and thats what is different. He is telling me in so many way I need to learn to love and respect the process that I hate so much because it is there where maturity is attained. (the testing of our faith developes perserverance, which must finish its work in us). I am humbled by the way God teaches me and still trying to remember that where I am, is where he wants me to be. My plans may not be working the way I would like them to but what is happening to me now, what is being developed is something that I will soon understand
I'm so proud of you! You're actually inspired by a lot of amazing things... Now its time to carry this inspiration into other aspects of your life. It's there, you've just gotta use it!!!
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