I have been putting off posting just cause... Will anybody care or read what I have to say? Do I really have anything to say? My uncertainty mixed with mere procrastination crippled me...so now I Blog, welcome! I am figuring this process out but I hope you join me for the journey and enjoy the ride.
I have made a decision to live in the moment with this blog, realizing that things wont always be perfect but I have to move forward, so because of my resolve, I begin and these thoughts motivate me:
I could never understand why we don’t maximize today. Always waiting for the next as time slips through our fingers and we hope for more. Longing for change and naming and claiming greatness but instead of making moves, we resolve. Making resolutions to do things differently next year as if the opportunity for change is only allotted on December 31st. Not taking into consideration that a new year is really just a second away from the old and that each second we have a chance. We can have a new lease on our lives now, today we can resolve to change.
By the fifteenth of the month most of us have forgotten what we have decided to change. We hold our breath for the rest of the year, not even realizing that we are dying. We lose sight of the things that drive us and become captivated with whatever is in front of us at the moment. We forget how to run…. The things that make our hearts smile and beat faster with anticipation. The things that we would do if rent wasn’t an issue.
Not always aware that we are dying. That pieces of ourselves are being stripped away because we no longer see our goals. Forgetting the list and the things that we said would be different this time around. But as time slips away there is a reality that there is more. More for us today than there was yesterday. Acknowledging that there is a different feel in a new year, but the only thing that separated it from the old was a second…and in a second everything changed and it can.
First with the way that we think. Embracing that the ideal is possible. That lofty thinking is not always crazy. That if I want things to be different I have to really believe that they can be….not easy but reality. Laying out what I see in an effort to attain what may not be… It’s hard but that is what I have resolved.
J. Hill
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