For the family we have built and are building.

He’s an amazing man, one in a million…… for some that’s the problem.
The idea that there’s not another knight in shining armor, not a man that will fulfill all the things on their list they wait no longer.
In their compromise they don’t realize how much is really lost. Weighing the Christian men who don’t live right against the non who are everything else they wanted.
Not that they want to choose this man who hasn’t chosen their God but the wait seems unbearable and the list unrealistic.
I have seen both sides but only live one. I know the benefit of a home priest and a man that loves God first.
The trade off is in more than just a title….I know it seems far off and not worth waiting for……
I know the fight is to justify how things could change
how he can be the man of God that you want him to be.
But it’s not just semantics. Its not a want but a necessity….really.

I’m not sure if I could adequately sum up the difference.
In an effort to love me like HE loves me, he loves me like no one else can.
In spite of his flaws he is for me the ideal representation of a perfect man. Not perfect in his ways but always working towards a perfect picture of himself because we are commanded to be like Him. Teaching me in his humility how to be a better me.
There’s a beautiful sacrifice in the way that he lives that challenges me to be better. It’s not just in the words that he says but because of what he does.
He is patient with my shortcomings and supportive with my goals.
He is kind and strong. Giving fully to me and anyone in need.
A true father to our children and an example to many. A representation of what they need to look for in a husband and what is possible.
Introspective and thoughtful.
Going from problem solving to shoulder offering because sometimes that’s all I need.
We don’t go to bed angry, not just because its not a good thing to do but because He won’t let him, and we need to work out our differences.

I don’t know if this is a small tribute to my husband, a description of him or a plea…. I just know that through his love I see a glimpse of Gods love for me.
He is a good man outside of God, but with Him he is amazing, and I need amazing and so do you.
I hope we can all find our 1 in a million God Loving man...but it does seem hopeless out here
This is beautiful...that's the type of relationship I want with my future hubby...whoever he is...
Congrats again on 4 wonderful years of marriage! :-)
ahhh janille.. you and khalid are awesome. :)
Beautiful!!!!! <3 Happy Anniversary.
Beautiful honey! Congrats on 4 years of marriage!
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