All the while I’ve been thinking.
Thinking about change and what I believe. Thinking…
I wrote what's below a while ago but as I've been trying to get from thinking to doing I've had to consider what's really important to me. I know this isn't my usual type of post, hope it helps anyway.
My beliefs should affect my actions and if they don’t then I have to challenge whether or not I really believe what I say I do.
Follow the plan that was already in your heart.....

It’s funny how we say that we believe some things but there is no evidence of those beliefs in the way that we live our lives. Faith without works is dead is something like saying, if you believe it, do something about it, prove it!
There is often a disconnect between what we say we believe and what we do and the excuse is usually,
“I’m a work in progress”, or “I just don’t have the time.”
I wonder if we can even really say that we believe something if it doesn’t cause us to act or change our actions.
Relationships end all the time because one party says “ I love you” but their actions say something quite different. If we are not willing to take what someone says if they don’t show it because we can’t believe that its true then why wouldn’t we hold ourselves to the same standard?! How can I say I believe anything if doesn’t affect me outside of what I think?
I challenge you to live what you believe, whatever it may be and see how your life changes because of it.
1. Make a list of beliefs that you have or things that are important to you
2. Write down what you spend your time doing tomorrow
3. See how your beliefs affect your life or what the things you do may be saying about what you really believe.
4. Challenge yourself to change
5. Live Change
Living change is not an easy thing and pursuing your passion is hard but can you afford not to?

1 comment:
I'm in the same place sis!!!! Wanting change but also consistent happiness and joy in the Lord. Rejoicing in His Salvation.
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